We may remember this kind of comparison from school days. Back then the illustration was something like: As an apple is to a seed, so a thought is to a ___________. (i.e. conversation?) The point is that an analogy compares two things that are similar in at least one way and yet different in others. […]
In my last post I mentioned being impressed by an ETS presentation about what the Gospel of John says about our union with Christ. Instead of starting with what the Apostle Paul says about Christ in us (Gal 2:20; Gal 4:19; Rom 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5; Col 1:17), Robert Peterson from Covenant Theological Seminary read […]
Joe and Marissa have never met. But they have a lot in common. Both found that spending 4 years in a state university was hard on their faith. Marissa became a follower of Jesus at a spiritual retreat during her last year in high school. Joe made his decision of faith at the age of […]
When I wrote in my last post about the way time has changed my thinking about the Bible, I was thinking of what has happened as a result of: Listening to the way others interpret or apply the Scriptures. Discovering the complexity and simplicity of life, circumstance, love, and honesty. Seeing that many of us […]
I’ve noticed over time an awkward pain that can show up in followers of Christ in their later years. My first memory of what I’m referring to came when an aging pastor invited me as a young man to have lunch with him. I’m sure that we talked about many things in the hour or […]
In July of 2011, a 33-year-old Norwegian bombed an Oslo government building and then gunned down scores of guests at a Labor Party youth camp. Seventy-seven people died, and many more were injured. Prior to the attacks, the young gunman wrote a lengthy manifesto titled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence. In chilling detail, he […]
Today is Yom Kippur. An article in the Washing Post describes what it means this year as a nation recognizes its sins, in the presence of its enemies. Also known as The Day of Atonement, this is a day of national repentance with a view toward national forgiveness and deliverance. I’ve often been moved by […]
Don’t know whether you caught the French news piece a couple of days ago about the young hunting dog that playfully jumped on its owner in a show of affection. A paw caught the trigger of the deer hunter’s, gun, resulting in the loss of a hand. The victim later blamed himself for not having […]
In our last conversation we talked about whether it is helpful to compare and contrast what the Bible says about Samson and Jesus. I raised the issue because I’ve been thinking about the way New Testament authors see Jesus in the Old Testament; whether we should see parallels only when the New Testament tells us […]
Today is the last day of the London Paralympics. Sounds as if this has been an overwhelmingly emotional and inspirational marathon of the human spirit. I appreciated, early on, hearing Bob from Cornwall talk about how moved he has been by what he’s seen. Would love to hear more from Bob or any one else […]